Missionaries of Charity re-elect Mother Teresa’s successor

18 Mar 2009

By The Record

CALCUTTA, India (CNS) – The Missionaries of Charity, the congregation founded by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, re-elected Sister Nirmala Joshi as superior general on March 13.

Sister Nirmala Joshi, superior of the Missionaries of Charity, prays beside the tomb of Blessed Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India, August 26 2008, the 98th anniversary of the late nun’s birth. Photo: CNS/Parth Sanyal, Reuters

But because the order’s religious superior general can be elected for only two consecutive terms, her third term in office will require papal approval, reported the Asian Church news agency UCA News. More than 160 electors from around the world cast their votes in a secluded Missionaries of Charity house during the last phase of the congregation’s 10th general chapter, which began on February 1. Archbishop Lucas Sirkar of Calcutta presided over the election of the superior general and four councilors.
Beforehand, he celebrated Mass for the electors, reminding them of their responsibility to develop a spirituality that is attuned to Church teachings and their original vision, UCA News reported.
According to the constitution of the Missionaries of Charity, the congregation holds its general chapter every six years.