This year MercyCare celebrated Easter a bit differently with a virtual session using Microsoft Teams.
Each year, MercyCare hosts an Easter event as a way of acknowledging the Mercy Tradition, and providing staff, board and trustees with the opportunity to connect with one another and hear from others about their personal experiences working at MercyCare and how it has impacted their own lives in a positive, meaningful way.
It is also an opportunity to learn more about the traditional story behind Easter and how it connects to the work carried out across MercyCare.
At this year’s Easter celebration, we reflected on the significant moments of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday and how they connect to our work at MercyCare in today’s contemporary setting.
MercyCare Executive Director of Mission and Ethos Vicky Gonzalez Burrows led the celebration, which featured four staff members from across the organisation who shared their personal stories and experiences on four different topics.
The MercyCare staff included:
- Manager of Property and Procurement Martin Dodge, who shared his experience of working behind the scenes to service others
- Spiritual Care Coordinator Luisa Koolofai, who shared her experience with grief and loss working in Aged Care Services
- Youth Mental Health Senior Case Worker Duncan Phillips, who reflected on his experience supporting young people engaged in our Amber Youth Wellness program when it comes to managing change and living in discomfort
- Mission and Quality Project Lead Courtney Barnard, who shared how Early Learning Services is bringing hope and joy to children and share positive stories from across our Early Learning Centres.
Youth Mental Health Senior Case Worker Duncan Phillips reflected on his experience supporting young people engaged in our Amber Youth Wellness program in this years’s MercyCare Easter event. Photo: Supplied.
Mission and Quality Project Lead Courtney Barnard shared how Early Learning Services is bringing hope and joy to children in this year’s MercyCare Easter event. Photo: Supplied.
The virtual Microsoft Teams session took place on the afternoon of Thursday, April 7, with more than 70 staff from across MercyCare tuning in.
A recording of the virtual session was also shared with staff who were not able to watch the event as it streamed live.