By Theresia Titus
Mercy College Koondoola Secondary teacher Mandy Hayward has joined Catholic Mission’s Ride and Stride Cambodia 2020 mission trip from 10 TO 21 January next year.
Mrs Hayward will depart to Cambodia and visit Catholic Mission’s projects in the country while by bike riding from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh for 120 kilometres.
While the trip is self-funded, Mrs Hayward is raising funds to be given to the Catholic Mission as a charity for their projects.
Mrs Hayward has raised $1402 thus far, which is 40 per cent of her goal of $3500, by undertaking a sponsored 5km run as well as cake sales at her local Parish in Fremantle and at The University of Notre Dame where she is studying an online Graduate Diploma in Theology and at the school she works for.
“I am also hoping to generate funds from a book that I am writing that is Bible-based maths questions – so maths questions with a bible-based theme,” Mrs Hayward said.
She also bakes Anzac biscuits that her students are able to buy with an intention to raise awareness of the mission.
“I have been amazed at the response, talking to people about the work of the Catholic Missions has really raised awareness of their work and the challenges Catholics face across the world today,” she said.
Mrs Hayward has also been speaking at Parishes, raising awareness of her missions in the community and encouraging others “to take up their missions that they are called to do”.
“I have had a great response from talking about why I believe missions are important and how we can all be missionaries,” she said.
Speaking to The Record, Mrs Hayward said she has been to Uganda, Sierra Leone and South America on teaching projects, but she wants to combine her passion in teaching and strong catholic faith this time around.
“I want to spread the message of Jesus and make Him known. Through us, our actions and words, people will see Jesus,” she said.
Mrs Hayward believes raising funds to support Catholic Mission is essential for them to continue their “life-changing projects”.
“I really believe that the projects Catholic Mission supports in education, health and the communities by training teachers and priests, are needed.
“I want to spend time at the projects with the people who are benefitting from them and have them know that we don’t just give our money but our time as well, showing that we care about them and we are all followers of Jesus,” she concluded.
For more information on Catholic Mission’s Ride and Stride Cambodia 2020, Click Here