![Mercy College Year 3 Chi students re-enact the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, 19 April. Photo: Supplied.](https://www.therecord.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/MercyCollegeEaster004_web.jpg)
“No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.” (Jn 15:13)
Holy Week and Anzac Day were acknowledged at Mercy College last month, connecting Jesus Christ with Oceania’s heroes.
This combined whole College liturgy remembered Jesus’ life and mission, whilst acting as a reminder of the parallel sacrifice of the courageous men and women who suffered and died for our nation.
On Good Friday, Catholics universally venerated the Cross that represents Jesus’ Crucifixion.
The Messiah triumphed over sin and death, and so Mercy College celebrated his Resurrection on Easter Sunday – recognising that God raised Jesus from death to new life.
At Mercy College Koondoola’s service, the bugler played The Reveille – the wake-up call of the day.
The Reveille can represent the Resurrection of Jesus as well as the hope of eternal life. The message of Easter is clear: death and defeat are not final.
To begin the liturgy, Year 3 Chi students, under the tutelage of Mrs Morley, re-enacted the Stations of the Cross.
The reverence displayed by the student body expressed the importance of both the Easter journey of Jesus and the respect and gratitude that are owed to those men and women who have fought under the flags of Australia and New Zealand in the effort to maintain a peaceful and just world for all people.