Several Mercedes College staff gave many hours of service to bring life back to a 100 year old altar for St Anne’s Parish in Belmont.
Three staff members: Lyle Bell, Lynton Slaven and Sister Vedette Lendich set to work on the Marian altar
The altar was one of three cedar altars given to the parish by St Anne’s in North Fremantle where they were installing new marble altars and no longer needed the cedar altars.
The service activity was part of a Professional Development Program run at Mercedes College in September last year, where staff learnt more about the Mercy Service-Learning program which is run in the College.
In the week before Christmas, the Marian altar, now restored to its former glory, was returned to the oratory chapel just in time for Christmas.
Lyle and Lynton also made a set of new altar gates to match the altar rails in the church where the main high altar was already installed and now completed the sanctuary in time for Midnight Mass.
Lyle and Lynton will continue their service activity with the restoration of the Sacred Heart, the third altar.
Staff participated in a range of activities in the community last year.
Some of their activities included giving blood; cooking for Foodbank, St Vincent’s and The Big Issue Street Soccer; sewing baby blankets for struggling young mothers who are supported by Mercy Hospital; and the restoration of the altar and altar rails for St Anne’s Parish.
St Anne’s is located at 11 Hehir St, Belmont and has Masses on Sundays at 7.30am, 9.30am and 11.30am.
All are welcome to come and admire their work.