Major milestone as work begins on St Marcellin Catholic College site

18 May 2024

By The Record

St Marcellin College
Wayne Bull, St Marcellin Catholic College Foundation Principal, Anita O’Donohue and Delegate to the Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Bunbury, Fr Pierre Repuyan are joined by the first student to enrol at the school, alongside their family for the blessing of the new site. Photo: Supplied.

A major milestone was marked earlier this month on the journey to open WA’s newest Catholic school, St Marcellin Catholic College with shovels in the ground and activity on site ahead of the school opening in 2025. 

Catholic Education Western Australia Executive Director Wayne Bull and St Marcellin Catholic College Foundation Principal Anita O’Donohue were joined by the first family to have enrolled at the College.

Fr Pierre Repuyan, Delegate to the Apostolic Administrator and Dean of the Cathedral St Patrick’s Parish Bunbury also provided a blessing for the site.

The K-12 College will open its doors to Kindergarten to Year 2 in February 2025 and has already experienced significant interest in enrolments.

The College will serve an area which is expected to see its population grow by 46 per cent between 2021 and 2031.

CEWA Executive Director, Mr Wayne Bull turns the soil with the first student of St Marcellin College and his mother. Photo: Supplied.

Mr Bull acknowledges the work already done by Ms O’Donohue in ensuring St Marcellin Catholic College is a welcoming and thriving school community.

“As we mark the blessing of the site, I am excited to be offering more families in the South-West the choice of a quality, affordable Catholic education,” Mr Bull said.

Ms O’Donohue continued by saying plenty of work is going on behind the scenes to ensure the school is ready to welcome its foundation pupils.

“Milestones like this are a moment to reflect on how far we’ve come, as well as the road ahead of us, and I look forward to sharing more exciting developments with the community over the coming months.”

Applications for enrolment can be submitted at