Although conventional wisdom suggests religion and politics should not be discussed in polite society, these topics were exactly what was discussed when local MP for Hasluck Ken Wyatt visited St Charles’ Seminary in Guildford recently.
Drawing upon his own experiences of growing up in the State’s south, his family life and early education, Mr Wyatt explained the relationship he sees between his life as a committed Christian in politics and his initiation into the Catholic Church.
Mr Wyatt said the Church had much to offer, particularly to isolated people within the community.
He recalled how a member of the electorate was moved to tears after receiving a card from his office, as it was the first birthday card she had received in 20 years.
Mr Wyatt has won genuine respect from supporters and detractors alike through his commitment to intentional listening, while spending many hours going door-to-door meeting people.
The seminarians found this both an inspiration and a challenge for their future ministry.
Engaging with the members of the local community, even in the face of indifference and hostility, can clearly demonstrate Christ’s and the Church’s care and interest for God’s people.