More than 70 per cent of all parishes in the Archdiocese were represented. Among those present were Fr Nelson Po, Fr Nicholas Nweke, Mr Franco Miranda and Mr Giovanni Pigliano.
More than 70 per cent of all parishes in the Archdiocese were represented by Parish Priests and/or lay representatives at the liturgical launch of this year’s appeal at St Brigid’s Church, West Perth, on Wednesday night last week.
The appeal will be launched in parishes next weekend, November 8-9, with the main collection taken up the following weekend, November 15-16.
LifeLink is the organisation through which the Church funds 13 welfare organizations which deliver a wide range of services and support to more than 35,000 West Australian families and individuals each year.
All money raised in the appeal is distributed to the agencies. The target for this year’s appeal is $500,000.
Archbishop Barry Hickey told the crowd at the liturgical launch that the theme for this year’s appeal is Christ’s emphatic statement, “Whatever you do for the least of my little ones, you do for me” and with it his pledge that generosity to the poor will count highly in God’s judgement. Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton expressed LifeLink’s gratitude for the generous support received in past years and invited priests and appeal representatives to do what they could to make parishioners aware of the importance of LifeLink. On the appeal launch weekend, November 8-9, parishioners will receive an envelope containing a personal letter from the Archbishop outlining his thoughts on the appeal and the importance of the work being done by the LifeLink agencies.
Families are invited to take them home and discuss them before deciding on the family contribution, which can be placed in the envelope provided and placed in the collection on November 15-16 or any subsequent weekend.
Donations are tax deductible and receipts will be provided to those who put their name and address on the back of the envelope.