Legally Blonde musical cast form life-long friendships

29 Jun 2023

By The Record

Mercy College Legally Blonde Musical
Student Sara Cleary performs Elle Woods during Mercy College’s stage production of Legally Blonde. Photo: Supplied/Mercy College.

In an explosion of talent, Mercy College’s production of Legally Blonde: The Musical took the stage by storm on May 5 and 6 at the Newman College auditorium.

The production also included a whole-of-school fundraising for LifeLink.

The storyline looks at the life of Elle Woods, a fashionable and underestimated sorority girl who embarks on a journey to Harvard Law School to win back her ex-boyfriend.

Mercy College Legally Blonde Musical
From the show-stopping dance numbers to the powerful vocals, their dedication and hard work shone through every moment. Photo: Supplied/Mercy College.

Comments from audiences noted that students’ exceptional performances were stunning, bringing the beloved characters to life with energy and charm.

From the show-stopping dance numbers to the powerful vocals, their dedication and hard work shone through every moment.

The production not only entertained but also inspired viewers with themes of self-belief, resilience, and breaking stereotypes.

Mercy College Legally Blonde Musical
Student Sara Cleary performs Elle Woods during Mercy College’s stage production of Legally Blonde. Photo: Supplied/Mercy College.

Producer Eleisha Hathaway applauded the entire cast, crew, and staff for pouring their hearts and souls into the production to deliver an exceptional show.

“It was a true reflection of community collaboration with 86 performers, 30 backstage crew and photographers and over 40 staff assisting with rehearsals and performances,” Ms Hathaway said. 

“I am incredibly proud of our school community in creating such a high standard production.

“Taking a full-length musical from a school gym to Newman College’s Marist Auditorium in one day was a massive task,” she said.

Mercy College Legally Blonde Musical
Student Sara Cleary takes a bow, together with fellow performers. Photo: Supplied/Mercy College.

Ms Hathaway continued by saying that the students and staff adapted beautifully and showed how trust, commitment and teamwork can produce great things.

“The most rewarding part of producing a musical is seeing the wonderful connections and sense of belonging students gain throughout the process,” she said.

Arts Captain Thao Luu said the best part of being in a musical is the people.

“As Arts Captain, I was able to form bonds with almost everyone, I think I know everyone’s names or at least know their faces. My bond with everyone will never ever be forgotten,” Ms Luu said.

Mercy College Legally Blonde Musical
Teachers Nathan Farley and Elisha Hathaway. Photo: Supplied/Mercy College.

Sara Cleary who played the lead character Elle Woods, said she felt privileged to have been part of such an amazing experience.

“I would do anything, I mean anything, to perform it all again. I got to make so many new friends, gain so much experience and my confidence has grown,” Ms Cleary said.

Mercy College Legally Blonde Musical
Teacher Katherine Ioppolo with a student. Photo: Supplied/Mercy College.
Mercy College Legally Blonde Musical
Mercy College teachers and students wore pink to raise funds for LifeLink, promoting their latest stage production of Legally Blonde. Photo: Supplied/Mercy College.