One of Australia’s leading musical liturgists last month led a formation and commitment weekend at St Thomas More Parish in Bateman and was impressed by what he encountered.
In an interview with eRecord journalist Mark Reidy, Michael Mangan, who has composed some 140 songs, psalms and acclamations that are used widely in parishes and schools throughout Australia, said that he had been uplifted by the passion he discovered among the 70 participants.
“I was blown away by the enthusiasm and commitment I found with the local ministry,” he said. “It was a thrill for me to work with them.”
Mr Mangan was invited by the parish to lead its annual formation and commitment weekend and, as it has done for many years, the organising committee extended the invitation to musicians from surrounding parishes.
“It was wonderful to have representatives from St Benedict’s in Applecross and Sts John and Paul Parish in Willetton join us for this special occasion,” said Angela McCarthy, one of the event organisers.
On Saturday afternoon, Mr Mangan led the musicians in two workshops.
The first included performing new and well-known music compositions, as well as unpacking the treasures of liturgical documents which explained the celebration of liturgy and the important role that music plays in it.
The second workshop concentrated on issues surrounding the inclusion of children and an understanding of the 1973 Directory for Masses with Children, a Church document designed to provide an environment for “…active, conscious, authentic” participation of young children in the Liturgy of the Word proclaimed at Mass.
“We truly celebrated Sacrosanctum Concilium’s (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy) demand for ‘full, conscious and active participation’,” Ms McCarthy said.
“Mr Mangan’s use of technology was fascinating and so rich in expertise that it was seamless in the workshops.”
Ms McCarthy went on to say that she was also impressed by the enthusiasm generated by Mr Mangan throughout the weekend and his willingness to launch himself into the occasion.
“During each of the five weekend Masses, the music ministry recommitted themselves to serving their parish community,” Ms McCarthy shared.
“Mr Mangan assisted with four of these Masses and added wonderful vibrancy to the music and the celebration as a whole.”
Mr Mangan said he had been to WA many times before but it was his first trip to the Bateman parish and he was encouraged by the experience.
“Not only was it a thrill to collaborate with the local ministry there,” he said, “but the multicultural nature of the parish made it a very rich cultural and liturgical experience. They certainly are a reflection of the whole Church and that is a wonderful thing.”