Kids give it up for the Good Shepherd

09 May 2012

By The Record

Children in Kelmscott getting ready to offer their school’s namesake, the Good Shepherd, items that held a special meaning to them.

Kelmscott kids celebrate the Good Shepherd who protects and guides them, their parents and their community

Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School in Kelmscott honoured the parable of the Good Shepherd taken from John 10:1-21 in their celebrations of Good Shepherd Day.

“It was a beautiful day”, assistant principal David Tunchon said.

“We started with a whole community Mass at church and the first part was a procession.”

The students brought up items that held a special meaning to them and the school.

Among items which were placed at the altar at the celebration last week were the school banner, feathers from birds which live on the school property and flowers and branches, acknowledging bush surrounding the school.

Father Andrew, the parish priest who celebrated Mass, gave The Record an insight into his homily.

“I told the children that Jesus comes to call us and guides us when we get lost,” he said. “He goes looking for the lost ones; sometimes in our life we get lost and we can ask the Good Shepherd to show us the way to good pastures but he also comes to protect and guide us.”

Following Mass, celebrations continued at school with all the children dressed in red, white and blue, colours of the Good Shepherd.

“The main focus is the namesake of the school,” Mr Tunchon said.

“He is the Shepherd for all the children, staff and community.

“Jesus is our Shepherd to look after and guide us.”

As part of the celebrations, students took part in tabloid sports where they were all split into small groups and enjoyed different activities on the oval.

The oval was later used for a whole school picnic and students enjoyed a drink and a sausage sizzle under a clear blue sky and warm sunshine.