The Knights Catholic Leadership Academy (KCLA) held its annual Graduation Mass and ceremony on the evening of 18 January 2021 at St Mary’s Cathedral.
Osborne Park Parish Priest Father Wilson Donizzetti Martins Jnr celebrated the evening Mass and was joined by Knights of the Southern Cross Western Australia (KSCWA) chaplain Fr Patrick Toohey as his concelebrant.
In partnership with Acts 2 College of Mission & Evangelisation, KSCWA is running the Academy in its fifth year of developing and building upon the leadership competencies of young Catholic leaders from Years 10 to 12 to lead, grow, and sustain Catholic youth-driven initiatives.
KCLA is a project within KSCWA’s Branch 28, which is aimed to strengthen and build the faith formation and spiritual connections among young people. It also provides leaders with personal formation with which to witness to and evangelise their peers in a theologically sound and sustainable manner.
Adrian Maxwell, Branch 28 Chairman, spoke candidly in an interview with The eRecord about the importance of leadership among young people during a time of pandemic.
“This program [was] one of the first projects we came up with when we first formed nearly nine years ago,” he said.
“These students, who keep coming year after year, they still need leaders, it doesn’t matter what’s happening in the world. More challenges just means more opportunities for leadership and mentoring.”
The Knights Catholic Leadership Academy develops and builds upon the leadership competencies of Young Catholic Leaders from Years 10 to 12 to lead, grow and sustain Catholic youth-driven initiatives through interactive learning workshops and individual mentoring. The Academy also provides leaders with personal formation with which to witness to and evangelise their peers in a theologically sound and sustainable manner.
The 2020 cohort of KCLA graduates are:
• Pia Bella Davey-Smithin
• Christine Celestino
• Virginia Dzieciol
• Michaela Firth
• Joshua Gethin
• Lucy Harris
• Madeline Osman
• Madison Wilde
Ms Dzieciol spoke at the graduation formalities in the Cathedral Parish Centre after Mass.
“Faith-based leadership is crucial to strengthening the Church needing leaders who do not need words to touch hearts, leaders who lead by their faith for God,” she said.
“The world has seen many great, influential leaders such as Saint Paul, Saint Augustine, Saint Athanasius, and Saint Joan of Arc. Now, more than ever, we need devout Catholic leaders to carry on the bible mission.
“The Knights leadership program offered us the tools we need to deepen our understanding and love for the faith,” Ms Dzieciol added.
“A big thank you to the Knights for their heroic effort to raise leaders in the Catholic Church.”
KCLA Program Leader Tristan Kolay gave the Vote of Thanks at the ceremony.
“The journey doesn’t stop here; it’ll be perpetually ongoing,” Mr Kolay expressed.
“We still have relationships with the young leaders we’ve had who have gone on to do fantastic things and have been testimony to, not only their faith journey, but, in collaboration with young people, their families, their friends, the Order, and Acts 2.”
Mr Kolay recognised the people behind the Academy who have been integral to its delivery including: Jane and Mario Borg from Acts 2 College of Mission & Evangelisation; Student Mentors Dr Ramona Mendis, Brad Page, Viviana Boyle, Katie Walker, Nicole Westneat, Montana McCann, Sarah Paverd-Joyce, Trevor Fernando, Natalie Thomas, Isaac Bell, and Bridget Curran; as well as Project Committee members Thomas Seeber, Kevin Clark, James Chua, Kelvin Lobo, John Walczak, Ryan Wiles, and Adrian Maxwell.
To learn more about the Leadership Academy for Years 10 to 12 students, visit: www.knightsyouth.com. Applications for the 2021 cohort are open now and close 28 February 2021.