IdentityWA highlights progress at awards night

02 Nov 2016

By The Record

Christine Camacho from Catholic Super presenting the ‘Ganges Team’ - staff who support individuals living in one of Identitywa’s shared homes. Photo: Supplied
Christine Camacho from Catholic Super presenting the ‘Ganges Team’ – staff who support individuals living in one of Identitywa’s shared homes. Photo: Supplied

Quality services and enhancing stakeholder engagement were the focus of Identitywa’s 2016 Annual Review and Staff Awards Night, held on Thursday, 20 October.

Identitywa Board Chair Graeme Mander and Treasurer Linda Walsh addressed the gathering to deliver their reports for the 2015-2016 financial year.

They were followed by Chief Executive Officer Marina Re, who spoke of how the organisation was well positioned, given the current trials of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the WA NDIS.

“We are keen to move forward with clear direction from the Australian and Western Australian government on the rollout and future of the NDIS in this State,” Ms Re said.

“As active participants in the trials, we have been pleased to meet many new individuals and families who are now accessing our services.

“This includes new families from former Disability Service Commission transition houses as well as others who are in receipt of individual plans and funding for the first time.”

Ms Re also emphasised the importance of Identitywa partnering with other organisations such as the Fremantle Family Support Network led by St Patrick’s Community Services and Centacare Employment and Training WA, an Archdiocesan not-for-profit, registered training organisation.

“Working collaboratively with other agencies and networking are important strategies in achieving good outcomes for vulnerable families,” she said.

Ms Re concluded her presentation by thanking Catholic Super for generously sponsoring the event, and acknowledged the support of the Archdiocese of Perth, Lotterywest and the dedication of Identitywa’s staff.

“The commitment and enthusiasm of our staff have been instrumental in the significant growth of Identitywa over the past year. I am, as always, grateful for their total dedication to the achieving the best outcomes for the people we support and their families,” Ms Re said.