Identitywa “big in vision” says Archbishop Costelloe, at opening of new homes

21 Mar 2025

By Jamie O'Brien

Identitywa East Cannington Homes
Identitywa CEO Marina Re, City of Canning Mayor Patrick Hall, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and Identitywa Board Chair Graeme Mander cut the ribbon to the new homes in East Cannington. Photo: Justice Goodrick.

Having a big vision, when it comes to making a real difference in people’s lives, means that you also have to have a large heart.

These were the words of Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB in officially blessing and opening three new homes in East Cannington for Identitywa on Wednesday 6 March.

Leading the proceedings was Identitywa Board Chair Graeme Mander, together with fellow Board members, CEO Marina Re and Identitywa staff who worked on the project.

In welcoming all those present, Mr Mander explained the driving force behind constructing the new homes was the ongoing shortage of accessible housing in the Perth metropolitan area.

“A key outcome for us is empowering people supported by Identitywa to live more independently. So far, we’ve welcomed six people into their new homes, and we are excited to be welcoming four more people in the coming weeks,” Mr Mander said.

City of Canning Mayor Patrick Hall congratulated Identitywa on the successful completion of the homes and highlighted the importance for the City of Canning to support diverse housing options. Photo: Justice Goodrick.

“Building a new home is an exciting journey filled with both joys and challenges. It takes dedication and strong collaboration between all parties involved to bring the vision to life, especially given today’s climate here in WA, where price increases and supply shortages continue to impact the industry post-pandemic,” he said.

City of Canning Mayor Patrick Hall was also present for the occasion, cutting the ribbon to officially open the new homes together with Archbishop Costelloe, Graeme Mander and Marina Re.

Mayor Hall congratulated Identitywa on the successful completion of the homes, and highlighted the importance for the City of Canning to support diverse housing options.

Mr Mander paid tribute to Mayor Hall and the City of Canning.

In welcoming all those present, Mr Mander explained the driving force behind constructing the new homes was the ongoing shortage of accessible housing in the Perth metropolitan area. Photo: Justice Goodrick.

“If it wasn’t for the support of the City of Canning Mayor Patrick Hall, Interim CEO Stephen Cain, the City of Canning Planning team and Cameron Leckey from Rise Urban, we wouldn’t be standing here today,” Mr Mander explained.

“My sincere thanks to you Mayor Hall for your support and belief in our mission. You were instrumental in us attaining planning permission and we are very thankful,” he said.

As part of the blessing of the homes, a short liturgy was conducted, supported by staff from Identitywa, who explained the use of each area, while Archbishop Costelloe sprinkled holy water.

The three state-of-the-art design of the homes have been built focussed on the needs of people with disability, including one for participants who require high physical support and two for those who require homes with improved liveability.

A total of 10 people will be able to live in these high-quality homes.

Some of the design features of the new homes include master sized bedrooms with accessible ensuites, large open plan living spaces, ceiling hoist infrastructure, alfresco areas and water wise garden areas, in addition to wide corridors for ease of movement and safety.

Partnering with innovative building company INKA, the homes were built with an innovative construction method that sees quicker results than traditional building methods.

Archbishop Costelloe blesses the new homes. Photo: Justice Goodrick.

Speaking about the history of Identitywa, Archbishop Costelloe highlighted while the Archdiocesan agency no longer fits the description ‘humble in size,’ the description “big in vision” certainly does.

“Having a big vision, when it comes to making a real difference in people’s lives, means that you also have to have a large heart,” Archbishop Costelloe explained.

“I would say that my experience of IdentityWA is that those who lead and those who support this agency are large-hearted people.

“People who understand that underneath and reaching beyond differences of culture, religion, political affiliation, and whatever skills and talents individuals may have.

“There lies the truth that every single human person, simply by virtue of his or her belonging to the human family, is equal in dignity, equal in worth, and as we Christians would certainly say, equally loved and cherished by God.

Identitywa CEO Marina Re also expressed her thanks to all involved, highlighting the building process has been a fantastic experience for all those involved.

A registered NDIS provider,  Identitywa is one of WA’s leading agencies supporting people with disability to live the life they choose.  We offer a wide variety of services, including housing. For more information, go to or call 9474 3033.