There was a large gathering of Filipinos and Australian friends, civic and family, in Bedford last Saturday evening to raise funds for the survivors of the recent Philippine disasters in the central Philippines.
The event was spearheaded by the “Visayan Group” and various community leaders and was hosted by the Filipino-Australian Club of Perth with the support of its president, Nestor Jongko.
Proceeds from entrance fees, raffles, cash donations and pledges totalled approximately $30,000 which will go, in its entirety, to the survivors.
Donated clothes and other non-perishable goods will be transported to the affected islands.
Philippine food and musical entertainment featured throughout the evening and the Filipino Chaplain of the Archdiocese of Perth, Rev Dr Armando Carandang, gave the following as an opening prayer:
O God of Power and Mercy, Was that your direct will and power which devastated our homeland so recently and left thousands of dead, many more missing, and corpses putrefying and still unburied?
Is it your direct will and powerwhich even now keeps in misery millions of the living barely surviving, homeless and helpless, hungry and thirsty, sick in body, in mind and spirit? Yet we know that you are the God of love who cannot directly will evil, but allow it for a good we cannot see.
Still we cannot help but ask why.And yet we understand that you are God of mercy, always giving, always forgiving, even if Nature is not.
Physical Nature has indeed been out of order through wrong choices of our fallen human nature. God of Mercy, Look down upon us, as merciful Father.
Protect the Philippine survivors from further harm. Give them, we pray, true freedom of spirit, the spirit of freedom from despair and utter hopelessness, the spirit of faith and hope. Give them, we pray, relief and health in mind and body.
And yet, let us not just pray in the comfort of this lucky country.Lead us to action. Open not just our hearts but also our hands to help provide material means to those in great need even if at some sacrifice on our part.
For it is actual giving – in almsgiving – that, beyond prayers which knock on the gate of heaven, beyond personal sacrifices that open the gate of heaven.
Yes, it is almsgiving, selfless giving to the truly deserving, that speaks of heaven.