By Michael Soh
More than 350 people gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday, 26 November to attend a healing Mass by New Zealand Marist priest, Father John Rea.
Co-ordinated by the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community, the healing Mass was the eleventh of 13 events on Fr Rea’s itinerary for his Perth 2015 Healing Tour.
Concelebrating the Mass were Glendalough parish priest and Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community member, Fr Doug Harris.
The event began with praise and worship led by the Disciples of Jesus’ music ministry, which also provided the music for the healing prayers that followed the Mass.
In an interview with The eRecord, disciples of Jesus leader Reg Firth recently spoke about his impression of Fr Rea and his ministry.
“Since a number of us at the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community have had past healing experiences, we saw Fr Rea’s visit as another opportunity to see the wonders of the Lord,” Mr Firth said.
Mr Firth went on to praise Fr Rea’s humility and stood firm in his belief that healings will draw many back to their faith.
“I am always surprised by Fr John’s humility. He has a way of pointing people to Jesus that is really astounding.
“Whenever there is a healing, Fr John does not attribute it to himself, but to God. I believe this draws people closer to God, which is the overarching purpose of the healing Masses.”
Leader of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Perth, Daniel Hewitt, also commented on the importance of healing Masses within the Archdiocese.
“People today need healing as much as they did in the times when Jesus was alive. God’s healing touch does not only cure ills, it allows people to grow in their faith and gives them strength to believe,” Mr Hewitt said.
“Particularly in this coming year of mercy, God searches for ways to demonstrate His mercy, and miracles are a perfect way for this mercy to be tangibly felt,” he added.
Mr Hewitt also spoke about the recent five-day healing mission (15-19 November) led by Fr Rea at Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, Gosnells.
“People always seem to leave Fr John’s events having experienced God’s touch, whether that is in the form of an overt healing or whether it’s something much more subtle, it can be simply an occasion of peace or joy or some other aspect of humanity that we desperately need.”
“Fr John’s ministry is definitely an authentic God-given gift for the people of Perth,” he said.
The Cathedral Mass was the biggest event of the healing tour, following retreats, missions and services at the parishes and pastoral areas of Embleton, Glendalough, Westminster, Clarkson and Banksia Grove.
Fr Rea also held two healing services at the Disciples of Jesus Community in Osborne Park, and spent a weekend at a retreat with the Holy Spirit of Freedom community in Pemberton.