This Lent, Kolbe Catholic College, Rockingham has proved once again the wisdom in that old adage, that there is nothing like a good cause to unite a community.
Through various fundraising initiatives led by the school’s Year 9 students, Kolbe staff and students have raised thousands of dollars for Caritas’ Project Compassion.
On Tuesday, March 5 alone, students raised $921 at their House Shirt Day via gold coin donations.
Students held their Bake Sale for Project Compassion the following day. Stacks of cakes, cupcakes, cookies and other baked goodies decorated the tables during recess and lunch.
Students and staff crowded around to donate to this worthy cause, while enjoying the sweet treats that Student Leaders had cooked up. The Bake Sale was, as always, a huge hit, raising $353.95.
“The money raised for Project Compassion is a clear testimony to the benevolent nature of our Kolbe community, and we can be sure that it will have a significant impact on those who are less fortunate than us,” one Kolbe staff member told The Record.
Through the hard work and generosity of the students and staff at Kolbe Catholic College, we can work together to create a just and peaceful world for all people.
Project Compassion 2013 is international aid agency Caritas’ annual Lenten fundraising drive, to support developing communities in the region and further afield.
This year’s campaign, Open Doors into the Future, is targeted at raising money for projects that benefit some of the poorest children in the world.
More information on Project Compassion is available at http://www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion or 9422 7900.