The students at St Jude’s Catholic Primary School in Langford came to school with little preparation on Rice Day, Friday 18 August.
In fact, students did not even get dressed that morning, arriving at school in their pyjamas as part of an initiative on behalf of LifeLink, to raise awareness of the many people around the world surviving without food, warm clothes or shelter.
To discover just how difficult this is, students were encouraged to refrain from eating anything during the day except for at lunch time, when they were served with a bowl of rice to tie them over until they got home.
Almost every student took part in the full experience from Kindy all the way up to Year Six.
“Rumbling tummies made the experience very real for the students and highlighted how lucky they are knowing that there was probably going to be a nice dinner waiting for them when they got home, a heater to keep them warm at night or a comfy bed to sleep in,” shared St Jude’s Assistant Principal, Graham Maher.
“In the lead up to this day, students were made aware of the continuing struggle around the world for children their own age to find one bowl of rice or a slice of bread to keep them going throughout the day.”
Drawing upon several resources, students looked at the preferential option of the poor and were alarmed to learn that those among them with food in their fridge, clothes on their back, a roof over their head and a place to sleep (all of them) were richer than 75 per cent of the world.
“They were also shocked to learn that around 17,845 children under the age of 12 are homeless each night in Australia,” Mr Maher said.
LifeLink was established by the Archdiocese of Perth in 1994 to provide for the ongoing financial and promotional support of agencies established or assisted by the Church.
LifeLink’s agencies deliver professional services & caring support to thousands of people in need throughout Western Australia each year.