The state of our mental health can be influenced by many outside factors – the loss of a job, death of a loved one, divorce and illness to name a few.
While we all experience change in our lives, some changes can be traumatic.
On the other hand, we or someone in our family may live with a mental health issue; it is not easy to cope.
Over the last twelve months, the Catholic Mental Health group, operating through the Archdiocese of Perth’s Emmanuel Centre, has organised a series of talks focussed on change.
Entitled “Understanding and Coping with Grief” these sessions were held both North and South of the River and many people travelled long distances to attend.
But pleas for similar workshops came from outer metropolitan and country areas.
A small grant was obtained from the Victorian-based Pilotlight organisation.
Pilotlight, whose motto is “a tiny flame sparking big ideas, projects, and alliances,” heard about the work already undertaken by the Catholic Mental Health Group and offered support.
In 2009 the Catholic Mental Health group under the auspices of Emmanuel Centre is organising a two-day weekend training seminar entitled “Working WITH those who grieve.”
It will be open to all with a particular welcome to people living in Regional and rural WA.r
Those living outside the metropolitan area do not have ready access to support and the seminar will aim to help people to help themselves and others in their communities.
Gerry Smith, a long-time grief counsellor, will lead participants through various exercises which will look at a number of aspects of grief.
Topics include the ‘Experience of Grief,’ ‘Picking up the Pieces,’ ‘Children grieve, too,’ ‘Working WITH those who grieve,’ and ‘Healthy Carer… Healthy Caring.’
Gerry will cover these topics comprehensively and will hand out notes complementing each session.
Besides helping themselves, participants will be better equipped to help others on their return home.
If you are interested in registering for this weekend, planned for early 2009, contact Barbara Harris on 9328 8113.
Home|Helping others when today is too unbearable
Helping others when today is too unbearable
05 Nov 2008