Behind the inviting smile of Presbyterian Ladies’ College graduate, Jessica Murray, is the desire to ensure all people are pain-free, less stressed and comforted on their journey to better health.
Jessica is currently studying a Bachelor of Nursing at The University of Notre Dame Australia’s Fremantle Campus. Drawn to the University for its personalised learning environment, Jessica says Notre Dame’s philosophy coincided with her own.
“I chose Notre Dame because of the extensive practicum hours within its Nursing program. I’ve continued because of the experiences, the support, the passion I am taught with, and the breadth of knowledge I have gained,” Jessica said.
“With nursing, there are so many career paths and travelling possibilities. After gaining my registration, I wish to volunteer overseas for several months in developing countries.”
Describing herself as a “people person”, Jessica sees herself working in the areas of paediatrics or community health, changing the lives of those with whom she comes into contact.
Her advice to current Year 12 students is to conduct independent study and focus on essay writing – two skills, she says, which have assisted her greatly at Notre Dame.
“The skills you learn at school arise at university. Look into your intended course and the university to make sure these are right for you. I encourage all prospective university students to immerse themselves in university life and grow from each experience,” Jessica says.
Applications are now open to study in 2016. For course listings and admissions information, please visit notredame.edu.au.