Catholic radio show is struggling to raise the funds required to keep the weekly program on air.
Gate of Heaven is broadcast every Sunday on Radio Fremantle 107.9fm from 7.30pm until 9pm, and is produced by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.
This year, the program celebrated its 10-year anniversary, but recently the Friars have been forced to use money reserved for their living expenses to pay for air-time.
Program host, Fr Joseph Mary Michael McShane, said the Friars’ last bill from the radio station was for $2,800 over six months.
“We only had donations enough for $2,000, so we paid the extra $800 ourselves from our own donations,” he said.
“We’ve been running on donations for the past five or six years, but just recently we’ve been running low of funds to continue the program.”
Unlike other programs on the station, Gate of Heaven does not include commercial advertisements during the 90-minute show.
“We like to dedicate the time for promoting our Catholic faith … and we’re trying, as Franciscans, to make it that it’s run by donations without having to advertise,” Fr Joseph said.
The American-born Franciscan said the radio was an effective evangelisation tool.
“St Maximillian Kolbe had the idea that the devil is using the mass media to lead many souls away from God, and that we have a right to use the mass media to bring God to people,” he said.
“In the church, you can reach maybe 50 or 100 people but, on the radio station, you can reach people all over the metropolitan area whom you might not ever have an opportunity to reach.”
Produced with the help of Friar Cyprian and tertiaries, Sr Therese and Br Joseph, the show’s material often includes programs on the lives of the saints and talks on issues of Catholic morality and teaching.
“It provides an opportunity for people to hear about the Catholic faith and … to present the Church and its teachings to people who are not Catholic,” Fr Joseph said.
“You never know how just one thing may touch someone to change their life … you never know how God is using this.”
Fr Joseph said the Friars have received a lot of positive feedback from listeners over the past decade.
“I was at a petrol station once … and while I was pumping gas a lady came over to me and she said: ‘I listen to your show every Sunday and I really admired that show you played on the young man’s conversion’,” he said.
The Franciscans have 24-hour radio stations in Italy, the Philippines, Africa, Brazil and the United States; and they hope to eventually establish one in Australia.
But for now the Friars are focusing on financing their Sunday evening show. “We hope we can continue for as long as we can afford it,” Fr Joseph said.
“If this was removed, that Catholic slot would disappear … it would be a lost opportunity to have the Church’s teaching and wonderful programs about our faith broadcast.”
If you would like to help the Friars finance the Gate of Heaven program, donations can be sent to: Gate of Heaven, PO Box 1089, Bibra Lake, WA, 6965.