By Theresia Titus
Floreat Wembley Parish have once again proved how an act of kindness can multiply and benefit the greater community.
The Parish has for the second time, donated 124 hospital bags to the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry (ACM), which were divided into half for male and female recipients on 29 September.
ACM Pastoral Assistant Donna Ryder, said the bags received this year were distributed to three different hospitals, across the Perth metropolitan area.
“We leave 20 bags in Pastoral Care offices of Fremantle Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, and Royal Perth Hospital,” Ms Ryder said.
“We have a list of patients that the hospitals provide to us, and we attend to those patients when we visit the hospitals, asking how they are doing and whether they need toiletries.
“We then make a note on our list and ask someone from the Pastoral Care Office to deliver the bags to the patients who require them.”
The feedback from the hospital was well received, she added, proving a simple act can make a difference in the community.
“We are also looking for someone to help with the children’s hospital bags of toiletries for those in need at Perth Children’s Hospital,” Ms Ryder added.
The idea was introduced by the Project Coordinator and former Daydawn Advocacy Centre Lawyer, Fiona Lester.
“It is a very good reconciliation project,” Ms Lester said.
“I hope more and more people would join to walk with and support the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry.”
Floreat Wembley Parish Secretary, Rita Morgan informed The eRecord that the project will likely be an annual occurrence in their parish.
Preparation of the project took more than a year, with the hand-made bags being put together thanks to donations that were requested from the parish community four weeks prior.
“Everyone had a different level of involvement, some donated and some packed the bags,” Ms Lester said.
Newman College also participated this year by making “Get Well Soon” cards to be put inside the packed bags as part of their work in reconciliation.
Helen Leahy, Leader of Learning Religious Education Secondary, said it was a privilege for Newman College to be involved in the project.
“The students were very engaged and the project brought light to the realities of social justice and the common good,” Ms Leahy expressed.
“We look forward to continuing this tradition in the future.”
Ms Lester also added the parishioners showed keen participation in the project commenting that “it was nice to be able to do something practical for our community”.
“The impact of the project in the parish was people came together, met and getting to know one another and it brings everyone together,” Ms Lester concluded.