Floreat little ’uns honour and fete their forebears

08 Aug 2012

By The Record

Children from Newman College (Kindergarten) get ready to give gifts to Floreat seniors. PHOTO: Floreat Parish

Seniors are special to the life of Floreat Parish, Parish Priest, Fr Wayne Davis told 80 seniors at a special day to honour and celebrate their contribution to parish life.

As people who passed on their faith to, and prayers for, the next generation, they were living witnesses of faith in the parish and therefore should be honoured and celebrated, Fr Davis said; they were the living faces of Jesus.

A meal of homemade lasagne, chicken cutlets, fresh garden salad and crusty bread was served to the seniors with a wonderful fruit punch to accompany it.

One parishioner reported it was wonderful to hear everyone having a wonderful time, talking and catching up with long time friends.

After the main course the seniors were entertained by two classes of Kindergarten children from Newman College, next door to the parish centre.

The children sang three songs with hand actions, bringing many smiles to the faces of the seniors.

Each song was heartily applauded. The children were presented with a small gift on behalf of the seniors, a special prayer box.

Everyone was delighted with the “little ones” and they were generally regarded as the highlight of the special luncheon.

Afternoon tea was then served of carrot cake and a cup of tea or coffee.

Each senior was presented with a special Jubilee mug, issued for the 50th anniversary of Saint Cecilia’s Church.

After 3.5 hours of fun, talking and chatting, singing and eating the seniors left, thanking those who had organised the day.

The special lunch was organised by the Social Committee under the leadership of Maureen Forte and Prue Pupazzoni and a wonderful team of ladies and men.

Fr Wayne was seen in the kitchen serving and washing up.

As the seniors left many asked about the date of the next lunch.

Organisers said it was a successful day celebrating seniors in the parish in the Year of Grace.