At the invitation of the Holy Spirit of Freedom Community, the Flame Ministries International team have last month travelled to Karriholm God’s Sanctuary in Pemberton to present an Intercessory Prayer Seminar over the weekend of 6th and 7th August.
The hall was filled to capacity with Catholic and other denomination attendees from Pemberton and surrounding parishes.
People also travelled from Perth and interstate for the occasion, with much enthusiasm from all present, many of who were already familiar with the style of the prayer seminar.
“For others, it was a new experience – overflowed through praise and worship, prayer workshops and lively question and sharing times, contributing to a power packed weekend,” said FMI Senior Director, Kaye Rollings.
Mrs Rollings was joined by fellow FMI Senior Director Cyrus D’Souza in presenting the seminar, supported by FMI Director Mrs Kerstin Otway.
In conducting the prayer seminar, Mrs Rollings, Mr D’Souza and Mrs Otway worked to emphasise the richness of God’s grace and mercy available to all through prayer in all its forms and how He delights in inviting us into Holy Spirit driven intercessory prayer.
Mr D’Souza explained how to recognise and understand the promptings of the Holy Spirit in prayer and also presented comprehensive sessions on spiritual warfare and the nature of the covenants God cut with His people, culminating in the sacrifice of the most precious Blood of Jesus.
“He emphasised the essential protection the Blood offers us in prayer,” Mrs Rollings said.
Mrs Rollings drew on deep personal experience to explain the nature of intercessory prayer and delivered sessions on how to stir up the anointing of the Holy Spirit within us.
She also conducted prayer workshops, guiding the delegates through what they had experienced over the weekend.
“These were powerful times of prayerful humility before God as He poured out His grace and blessings in abundance,” Mrs Rollings said.
Mrs Betty Namnik, Pemberton HSOF leader, said, the occasion was a lovely unity and a place of feeling at home together.
“Our faith was given a leap of trust as we ventured into unknown waters,” Mrs Namnik said.
“The Holy Spirit was working in us and we became aware
of His overwhelming presence as we moved through the various sessions.
“We became aware too of the need for praise and worship during and before
intercession and of having a profound love of God and each other. We are very
blessed and grateful,” she said.