Chisholm Catholic College marked the 10th anniversary of the Fast4Faith program on June 20 with an after school retreat centred on fasting and formation.
An ongoing initiative for schools organised by Catholic Mission, Fast4Faith aims to help students experience a sense of solidarity and connection with those who suffer daily from hunger and poverty throughout the world.
“It involves each student making a decision to fast from something in their life, be it food, technology or other elements of their life,” Sarah Laundy, Catholic Mission’s schools engagement officer, told The Record.
“Throughout their fast the students are encouraged to use the time they would have spent eating, using Facebook or playing games to instead strive to serve others and to create that new space and time for God to speak in their lives.”
The sponsorship funds which students seek from their families and communities as they participate in Fast4Faith directly supports Catholic Mission’s education, housing and feeding programs for children around the world.
“It is through their fasting that they are able to provide life and hope for children around the world,” Miss Laundy said.
The evening included personal sharing from a number of Chisholm students about why the Fast4Faith program was important to them, what they chose to fast from, and how they came about their decision.
“I then presented on the realities of modern day slavery and how Catholic Mission are helping to tackle this huge global issue through the many projects we help fund throughout the world, such as providing safety, education, food and hope for those who are most vulnerable and in need, particularly children,” Miss Laundy said.
“Following on in the focus of mission, we had six Year 12 students from Trinity who came and shared about their life-changing experiences of their 36-day immersion trip to India last year, as well as three students from Santa Maria who gave an inspiring and uplifting presentation of their mission trip to the Kimberley.”
Through the refugee simulation run by members of the Young Christian Students (YCS) movement, retreat participants also experienced a journey as refugees forced to flee their home, helping to outline many of the dangerous and frightening realities that millions of refugees are experiencing daily, as well as debunking a number of popular myths surrounding refugees and asylum seekers.
“The night ended with a reflection by Catholic Mission director Francis Leong and a rice meal was shared together,” Miss Laundy said.
“Ultimately, the retreat was a wonderful success and truly served its purpose in providing a reflective and meaningful finale to the Fast4Faith program at Chisholm, through raising awareness of the great need there is in the world and in helping to inspire students to step out in faith and love in being Christ to others.”