By Caroline Smith
Nurturing a culture of prayer in the home can be a great boost to Catholic families, and can help reinforce what children learn about God in school and the local parish, says Perth group, Family Prayer Ministry.
Inspired by Father Patrick Peyton who, in the 1950s, coined the motto ‘the family that prays together stays together’, the group seeks to support parents in this role, and encourage family prayer as a foundation stone for children growing up in their faith.
Spiritual Director, Fr Patrick Toohey, said the group was guided by the idea that ‘it takes a tribe to raise a child’ and that, in this case, it should be the parents first, then the parish and the school, who encourage a child to connect with God.
“We’re seeking to be a resource in the Perth Archdiocese for two specific audiences,” Fr Toohey said.
“First is parents in Catholic and public schools, to be the first teachers of their children as they promise to do at their child’s Baptism.
“The second audience is parents who have just had their child baptised and want help and support straightaway, so that immediately they can create a culture of faith within the home.”
While the group focuses largely on the role of parents, it also aims to encourage prayer in children directly, through school visits where members share their own experiences of prayer, and help students discuss ways of communicating with God.
So far, the Family Prayer Ministry has visited 14 schools in the Perth Archdiocese, receiving positive feedback from teachers and children alike.
Fr Toohey said families could choose from a number of prayers, or even create their own, to use in the home.
“It may be the Rosary, it may be self-composed prayers. It’s about creating a sacred space in the home, and children sharing their day with parents,” he said.
To support in praying the Rosary, the group has a collection of booklets written by WA nun, Sister Mary Cabrini, called My Rosary Prayerbook, which provides a summary of prayers and how they can be used.
While continuing their work in schools and promoting family prayer, the group is also hoping to increase its membership, and welcomes like-minded people throughout the Archdiocese to contact them.
“We would like to get more people to join us, from parishes around Perth, to be like co-workers,” said group member, Thea Hackett.
The Family Prayer Ministry can be contacted through Thea on 08 9458 3724 or Barbara on 08 9457 8246. Members are also happy to provide the My Rosary Prayerbook, which costs $2 plus postage.