More than 400 business and community leaders have participated in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout since its WA inception in 2010 and organisers are hoping there will be many debutants joining the more experienced participants at this year’s event on June 19.
St Vincent de Paul’s (SVDP)launch for the event was held on April 9 at the Central Park gardens in the Perth CBD, which included a number of participating leaders, including last year’s top fundraiser, Dale Alcock, managing director of WBN Group, raising awareness of the event by serving soup to passersby.
SVDP public relations manager Lucinda Ardagh is hoping the money raised at this year’s sleepout, to be held at the WACA ground, will surpass last year’s record total.
“Registrations are now open for business and community leaders to become a part of this great initiative,” she told The Record.
“In the first four years, over three million dollars was raised which has contributed to the development of new programs and services assisting those experiencing homelessness, as well as providing vital funding to keep existing services operating.”
Ms Ardagh said the event has also generated a greater awareness of homelessness in WA and the reasons behind it.
Past participants in the event have included the WA Governor Malcolm McCusker; Tonya McCusker; Barry Felstead, CEO Crown Resorts Australia; Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi; and philanthropist Andrew Forrest who has donated over $400,000 through his charitable trust over the four years he has been participating in the event.
Eric Jas, managing director of Perth engineering company Atteris had his first experience of the sleepout last year and is returning for another night.
“I encourage every CEO and managing director to join in this noble event,” he said, “It not only raises funds, but also awareness and hope.”
To find out more or to register for the 2014 Vinnies CEO Sleepout, go to www.ceosleepout.org.au.