Equestrian Order’s ‘Day of Reflection’ focusses on life of St Joseph

28 Oct 2021

By Amanda Murthy

The Redemptorist Mater seminary, known for its’ serene ambience, was the chosen venue of the recent Western Australia Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem’s (EOKHSJ) annual ‘WA Chapter’s Day of Reflection’ event, held on Sunday, 26 September.

This year, the event focused on the call of Pope Francis who dedicated 8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021 as the Year of Saint Joseph.

The Holy Fathers announcement coincides with the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX with the document Quemadmodum Deus on 8 December 1870.

The six-hour event, began with a Mass at 9am, attended by more than 40 members of the Order, with an extended invitation to their family and friends.

Reciting the rosary, Benediction, group discussions and a catechesis by Seminary Vice-Rector Father Luis Tijerino followed.

EOKHSJ Lieutenant Kevin Susai KC*HS said that one of the primary objectives of the Order is to promote members faith and spirituality.

“The Day of Reflection event offered an excellent opportunity to come together as a community to pray, reflect and discern on a chosen topic and to have fellowship and dialogue with the Redemptoris Mater seminarians who come from different parts of the world,” Mr Susai said.

Fr Tijerino reflected on several events in the life of St Joseph, who through the many challenges, remained faithful to the ‘will of God.’

“St Joseph as goes through a lot of anguish because the Gospel tells us that he was just and even if he was observant of the law, he did not want to apply it in its most rigid form he wanted to protect the life and dignity of Mary,” Fr Tijerino said.

“He is told by the angel to rise and accept the woman who is with child without fear because what is born in her is from the Holy Spirit.

“The Gospel of James that report many traditions about the life of the Holy family tells us that St Joseph went after to complain to Mary, why did she not tell him all this? The virgin answered, who am I to go between you and God,” he explained.

“Like we see in the traditional icons of the nativity, it was necessary for Joseph to overcome this battle with the evil one even if he did not understand what was going on without saying a word, he takes responsibility of his family and being just he adjusted to the will of God.”

Fr Tijerino added that St Joseph shows us that we too can “enter in this plan of God for us that is always much greater than anything we can imagine.”

“St Joseph took charge of his family given to him by God the most precious things in the whole history of salvation. At every moment that Joseph is warned that those put in his charge were in danger, he did not hesitate to move selflessly without hesitation,” he said.

The group of 40 spent the day contemplating on the life of St Joseph, as they celebrated Mass and Benediction, recited the rosary, reflected, listened to a catechesis and exchanged thoughts. Photo: Supplied.

“Let us ask of this model of faith to put faith at the centre of our own families,” Fr Tijerino concluded.

Future events for the Order, include a vigil and Investiture service for new members St Mary’s Cathedral on 3 and 4 December.