The Emmanuel Catholic College community have been collecting non-perishable goods for Rotary as part of their Christian Service.
The goods were delivered Saturday 18 May to St Vinnies as a contribution to their Winter Appeal and will provide much needed support for the homeless and those most in need.
“The response to this appeal has been overwhelming,” said Head of Learning Area Christian Service, Thomas Ryan.
“The amount of food donated by all of our Emmanuel Catholic College community has been quite substantial and we are incredibly grateful for the support.” Mr Ryan said.
“We are particularly thankful to the Jones’ family for their contribution to this most worthy cause.”
Mr Jones works for United States based not-for-profit company Mozilla, who gave $1,000 to each employee to be used for a good cause.
Mr and Mrs Jones chose to support the Emmanuel Catholic College Rotary Food Appeal and brought in $1,000 worth of food.