Emmanuel Centre celebrates the birth of the Emmanuel

23 Jan 2020

By Eric Leslie Martin

Friends and guests of the Emmanuel Centre (in this 2018-archived image) help to celebrate Advent and the coming of Christmas in style at 25 Windsor St, East Perth. Photo: Jamie O’Brien.

By Eric Martin

The Emmanuel Centre celebrated its Christmas party in style on Tuesday 3 December, braving the heat for carol singing and a special Mass celebrated by Subiaco Parish Priest Monsignor Kevin Long, followed by lunch and fellowship at the centre in East Perth.

Emmanuel Centre Coordinator Barbara Harris described the Christmas celebration as a time of fellowship when regular visitors, along with their parents and family members, were able to come together in celebration of Christmas with staff and clergymen.

“The Christmas party at the centre has been held every year for the past 37 years – it gives people an opportunity to come together and celebrate as a ‘family’, and for some, it is their only celebration,” she said.

According to the Journal of Disability and Society, research from as recently as 2018 shows that most disabled people suffer from isolation and exhibited a significantly increased risk of experiencing emotional loneliness.

“The Emmanuel Centre gives many people the ability to feel connected with their community, to feel like they are a part of something that is bigger than themselves and that they are a valued member of our Catholic family,” Mrs Harris added.

In his homily, Mgr Long stressed the importance of taking the time to appreciate that Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for both the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas and the return of Jesus at the Second Coming.

“The tendency is to rush straight into Christmas, without taking the time to really get our hearts and minds focused on the true meaning of the Nativity and what Christ’s coming means for us as Catholics,” Mgr Long said.

“Advent is a time when we celebrate Christ-become-human: we view his life and experience his presence as a human being in our history. Christ came to show us what life can and should be.”

“When Christ comes again, his presence will no longer be hidden behind the signs and symbols of the liturgy or the words of the Scriptures: his presence among us will be revealed in all its fullness, a presence that will never end, a presence that will perfect and complete our community,” he shared.

“This is the ‘greater significance’ of Advent.”

The celebration at Emmanuel Centre facilitated another important event in supporting this area of social need, with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB blessing the ground for the new housing block at 27 Windsor St, East Perth, next door to and to be developed in conjunction with the Emmanuel Centre vicinity.

Due to the soaring temperature (above 40 degrees Celsius), Archbishop Costelloe was unable to perform the ceremony on-site, and therefore conducted the blessing from the relative shelter of the Emmanuel Centre hall.