The Archdiocese of Perth Safeguarding Office has teamed up with aged-care advocacy organisation, AvoCare to host the Elder Abuse Awareness seminar.
The free event will look at elder abuse/staying safe, access to aged care and the care finders program and will take place Wednesday 5 June from 9.30am to 11am at Holy Trinity Church, 8 Burnett Street, Embleton.
Safeguarding Office Director, Barbara Blayney said this is a real opportunity to hear more from the right people about what we can all do to support our elders.
“With a growing aging population, many people across our Catholic community have an older person in their life they love and care for in some shape or form,” Ms Blayney said.
“We will talk about the ins and outs of what elder abuse and work to empower our Catholic community members in supporting them,” she said.
The event is open to everyone and morning tea will be provided.
Click Here to register or for further info safeguarding@perthcatholic.org.au or 08 9221 7762.