“Do we believe God is as Jesus said he is”? Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB challenged those present at the 2013 graduation for Acts 2 College of Mission and Evangelisation (Acts2CoME) on April 23.
He told them that Jesus revealed a God of love, forgiveness and mercy and unless Christians were convinced of this truth they had little to offer others.
“Take that conviction with you wherever you go and in whatever you do,” he said.
“Make it the heart of your mission to be a living face of Jesus, who reveals the true face of God to us.”
Celebrating the graduation Mass alongside Archbishop Costelloe was Fr Doug Harris, Glendalough parish priest, and Fr Giles Atherton FFI, who lectures at the college.
The ceremony was particularly momentous for the college, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.
The Archbishop offered his congratulations and pledged his ongoing support and encouragement, urging the college to continue its good work within the Archdiocese of Perth.
The college, which opened in 2005, is Perth’s only nationally registered Bible college.
It delivers accredited vocational training from Certificate I to Diploma level and specialises in Christian ministry, with specific courses in youth ministry.
Qualifications in active volunteering and screen and media are also offered.
In opening the graduation ceremony, college principal Jane Borg explained, “The aim of the college is to develop Catholics who are passionate about their relationship with Jesus, are empowered by the Holy Spirit and have a love for the Word of God”.
“Students are steeped in prayer and the Sacraments and we seek to give them an understanding of what the Church teaches and why.”
The college also aims to produce graduates who have a heart of mercy for others – both those in physical and spiritual need – and who are able to share their passion with others, so they too may come to know Christ.
“I think each graduate would agree that their time at the college has impacted their lives and deepened their relationship with Christ, as well as providing strong friendships with others on a common journey,” Mrs Borg told the audience, which included many past students.
She thanked those who had contributed to the college’s development over the years, either in the office or delivering courses; the majority offering their services on a voluntary basis.
She also referred to the growth in training opportunities within Catholic colleges and the next “exciting” stage of development involving online courses for external study.
During the evening, Archbishop Costelloe presented seven graduates with a Certificate IV in Christian Ministry (Youth) and one with a Diploma of Youth Ministry. He also presented the Dux Award to Amy McCabe.
Responding on behalf of the students was Abraham O’Connor. “Last year was an incredible learning experience”, he shared.
“The well-roundedness in learning our Catholic faith, its doctrines and history, was empowered with ways to evidence it in the environment of our day and age in apologetics, communications and youth ministry.”
Mrs Borg told The Record that practical ministry experiences, daily Mass and communal prayer supported the courses at the college.
“These, along with the fellowship developed throughout the course, all contributed to the enjoyment and spiritual growth of students,” she said.
Enquiries about part or full-time study, either on campus or online, should be directed to Jane Borg on 0401 692 690 or through principal@acts2come.wa.edu.au.