An Open Day highlighting the ministries and activities of Our Lady of the Rosary Doubleview Parish was attended by some 300 people last month, reinforcing the dedication of organisers who had been planning the event since February.
The inaugural event, which aimed to showcase the 27 various ministries currently active within the parish, was the inspiration of Pastoral Council member Helen Murray, who coordinated the day with the assistance of fellow Council members, Richard Goodwin and Charles Vincie.
“It was a wonderful experience, not just from the awareness-raising aspect, but also the opportunity for fellowship,” said Richard Goodwin.
“One of the many satisfying aspects of the day was the number of parishioners who came away saying, ‘I had no idea there were people in the parish doing that’,” he said.
Planning for the Open Day began with the Parish Council contacting each of the 27 branches of ministry and requesting an information leaflet describing their specific activities which was then handed out to visitors on the day.
A form was also made available for those interested in becoming involved in each ministry which, Mr Goodwin said, had resulted in a number of enquiries.
Along with desks providing information on each of the available ministries, there were food stalls, children’s activities, a baby animal farm, raffles and door prizes, as well as music, creating a festive atmosphere which was enjoyed and appreciated by parishioners of all ages.
Mr Goodwin said the Council had been delighted by the enthusiasm of those who attended as they discovered or familiarised themselves with the wide variety of options on display, ranging from the Altar Society and the Choir to the St Vinnies outreach.
“We have a wonderful range of opportunities for people to become actively involved,” he shared. “From small ministries such as the Welcomers, a group of dedicated parishioners who greet and hand out church bulletins each week, to the 60-plus members of Rosary Care, a group of parishioners assisting those in crisis with support such as meals, transport and housework.”
Parish priest, Father Peter Nguyen OP, opened the event, relating the parish community gathering to the powerful message provided by the parable of the loaves and fish about the sharing of resources and forming relationships with one another.