Vinnies WA will be running a new and unique fundraising event in September, with participants raising funds to help young people sleeping rough on the streets of Perth.
But there’s a catch: The more funds people raise, the worse their sleep.
The Vinnies ‘Tough Night Out’ is nothing compared to what young people sleeping on the streets experience, but it’s great motivation for supporters to ensure participants have the ultimate bragging rights and a super tough night out.
By getting involved, not only will people be showing that they care about the young people at Passages and youth homelessness, they will also understand a little bit of what these young people go through each night sleeping rough.
Every day, our Passages youth workers empower young people by facilitating their independence and supporting participation in their community.
The Vinnies ‘Tough Night Out’ will happen on Friday, 9 September. To register, go to www.vinniestoughnightout.org.au
Passages Youth Engagement Hubs are a joint venture between Vinnies WA and Rotary Perth and Mandurah.