Debbie Warrier: the joy of a Franciscan life

02 Jul 2008

By The Record

With Anne Marie Langdon


How I pray: Anne Marie Langdon



I pray the ‘Morning prayers’ and ‘Evening prayers’ of the Church. I meditate on the Scripture readings from Mass and do a little ‘spiritual reading’. On my altar in my bedroom, I have a Nativity and a San Damiano Cross.
As a Secular Franciscan, this brings together three things that are central to my spirituality and life – the Crib, Cross and the Eucharist. These reminders of the humanity of Christ, His humility and sacrifice help me to focus in prayer.
I pray my Rosary wherever I am. It’s my own quiet space.  I try to get to daily Mass. I work in the city near a Church so I can get to Mass at lunchtime.
To receive Holy Communion and be strengthened spirituality is such a help. On Fridays I attend Mass and Adoration at St Lawrence’s, Balcatta. I am often tired but know I can just sit quietly with the Lord and offer the events of the week into His hands.
My mum was always a great person for prayer and later in life became involved with intercessory prayer. Whenever I came home from work she’d be giving me another list of people to pray for.
St Francis and St Clare are big influences as they were so in love with the “poor Christ.” St Francis once said to his friars, “We must begin again for up to now we have done very little.” This saying inspires me to try to draw closer to God each day and do some good for those that I encounter. 
My faith means everything to me. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without having Jesus as my brother and friend and His friends and mine, the Saints.
There is such a wealth of wisdom and so many great people who have lived the Catholic faith that it is a privilege to walk in their shadow and receive their inspiration and guidance along the way.
In St Francis’ time there were challenges, various heresies and rampant materialism. God raised up many holy men and women to shine His light in the world. It’s our turn today.
St Francis’ advice to his friars was, “Go everywhere and preach the Good News and use words if you have to.” Today too the witness of good example, joyful living and charity shows Christ to others.
The Secular Franciscan way of life was an important step for me. When I started to read St Francis’ writings, his love for Christ in the Crib, the Cross and the Eucharist resonated with me. St Francis’ love for Mother Mary was something I wanted to grow in. I had found my spiritual home.
I was professed on the Feast of the Ascension in 1994 and have grown so much with the help of my brothers and sisters in Our Lady’s Assumption Fraternity, Balcatta. 
When my mum was diagnosed with a terminal illness, I really clung to Jesus’ promise that He would make a place for us and come back to us. My mum quietly and humbly served God.
I found it difficult to pray at the time. Yet my regular prayer gave a place for God to keep me company and strengthen me. I know that Jesus is taking care of her now and that her prayers are even more powerful.