Debbie Warrier: New Age, sex, money…nothing satisfied

03 Dec 2008

By The Record

Prayer is not a technique, but a personal relationship as Jesus said to call God, “Father.” It is like talking to a friend about what is going on. I speak, listen and contemplate. There are times when I know I need to pray but don’t know how. St Paul tells us that’s when the Holy Spirit prays in us. Sometimes I pray in tongues, sometimes silently, and other times it is an awareness of God’s presence.
I pray with my brethren at Flame Ministries International. We have a public praise meeting where we also pray for healing. I have seen positive results, if not immediately, certainly over time. When praying for others, we need the same attitude as God towards those we pray for. Our human love can also make a difference to someone’s healing.
The Holy Spirit is the source of prayer and how God reveals Himself to us. Through the Holy Spirit, He makes His will known. The Holy Spirit gives us a sense of peace in the midst of life’s storms and faith is our source of hope. Even if things don’t look good, you know it’s going to be ok.
In 2002, I was invited through Cardinal Norberto Carrera to preach around Mexico. I had a profound personal encounter with Mary in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It struck me that Mary was the ultimate evangelist because she was the only one who had successfully converted Mexico. I consecrated my mission to her and developed a strong devotion.
The life of Pope John Paul II also inspires me. He had what I would consider to be authentic redemptive suffering. Pope John Paul II suffered deeply. Throughout that he was a public witness for the value of life over the culture of death. His suffering had meaning and he did it for the salvation of others.
I have had a personal experience of salvation. Before my conversion to Catholicism, I sought selffulfillment from such things as: financial success, New Ageism, witchcraft, sex, alcohol, drugs and astrology. All this came to an abrupt end one morning. Arriving home from the clubs around 6am, my body collapsed and I lay paralyzed on the lawn. My mind was alert and I knew death was present.
I felt as if my life was seeping into a dark pit that I believed was hell.
In desperation my soul cried out for help. Not to the false gods I had placed my trust in until then, but to the one true God of salvation.
This horrendous agony continued for some time, and then suddenly changed.
At that moment I was immersed in a Love so powerful it is impossible to describe. The pit closed and I knew God was real. I awoke some hours later and normality resumed.
In the ensuing months I read the Bible until my conversion was complete.
Through the Gospel of Matthew and other biblical passages I realised Jesus was really alive! I developed a deep desire for the Eucharist as a result. The writings of Thomas A Kempis, Aquinas, St John of the Cross, St Theresa of Avila, St Francis, St Augustine and the Desert Fathers became my first exposure to Catholic spirituality.
Saying, “Yes” to God saved me. Faith is a miracle in itself.