Research shows that well-functioning, healthy families have skills and patterns of relating that appear again and again. These skills and patterns can be learnt and result in increased self esteem and confidence in parents and children.
The Archdiocese of Perth’s Catholic Marriage and Fertility Services agency is collaborating with Relationships Australia to offer families the six-week Building Stronger Families program on Wednesday evenings.
The course will be presented by marriage and relationship educators Derek Boylen and Alessandra D’Amico of Catholic Marriage and Fertility Services. Both are the parents of six children each and bring a blend of professional knowledge and personal experience.
“What’s special about this program is that it is for both parents and children from eight years and up,” said Mr Boylen.
“The program shows how any family can gain by parents being leaders and role models and by dealing confidently with conflict, problems and change,” he said. Parents and children are also coached in the skills of how to speak up appropriately, listening and co-operating.
Costing either $80 or $120, the course will be held from 6.30-9pm at 15 Cambridge Street, West Leederville commencing February 20, 2013. Further information: (08) 9489 6322.