Almost 150 people attended Mass to celebrate the Day of the Unborn Child at St Mary’s Cathedral on March 23.
The Mass was preceded by a Holy Hour of Adoration, in which those present prayed for all affected by abortion – such as parents, children, grandparents, and the aborted infants.
During Mass each member of the congregation placed a flower in several baskets near an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe; each flower in honour of an unborn child.
Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey was the main celebrant of the Mass.
The former Archbishop of Perth said despite any evidence of failure, Catholics needed to persevere in defending life.
“For every good work that is done in the world, the powers of evil will do everything to stop it,” he said.
“We are part of the mission of Jesus in bringing the world from darkness to light.
“Let us have courage and go forth knowing we are supported by the court of heaven.”
The Archbishop Emeritus commended those who have dedicated their lives to the “noble mission of protection” of the unborn.
“We pray too for those who … are aware of the terrible tragedies that occur through abortion and wish to change more hearts and minds, and the culture,” he said.
The Mass also marked the end of the ‘40 Days For Life’ prayer campaign in Perth that began on Ash Wednesday.
It was the third year that the international campaign, which is held in more than 300 cities around the world, took place in Perth.
The Day of the Unborn Child is normally celebrated on the feast of Christ’s conception, the Annunciation.
It was first declared as a feast day to remember the unborn in Argentina in 1998 by president Carlos Menem. The official declaration from the Vatican followed in 1999.