The Confraternity of the Knights St Peter and St Paul celebrated the feast day of its patron saints on June 29 at Good Shepherd Parish in Lockridge.
The Confraternity was founded by Peter Portelli in Melbourne in 1996, and aims to honour members of the Christian faith for their many years of tireless, benevolent work with the poor and the needy in the community.
The main objective of the Confraternity is to provide humanitarian support to those less fortunate than ourselves, the poor and the sick.
Nick de Luca told The Record he joined the Confraternity in 2004.
“At the request of Rino Aquilina, Prior of the Confratenity of St Peter and St Paul in WA, for a member, Fr Vinh Dong and Fr Dan Foley nominated me to be a member of the Confraternity,” he said.
“When Rino passed away the following year, the Grand Master Mr Portelli appointed me as Consul for WA. Last year I was appointed as a Grand Prior. We now have 25 knights and dames from all over the Archdiocese. This year is my 10th year of being part of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and St Paul, it is not about titles and glory, there is a lot of work to be done. There is nothing better than to serve God and be a witness to our faith. I have always worked to help others in whatever I can, following the teachings of St Peter and St Paul.”
For more information about the Confraternity, visit www.nadurjana.com.