A new generation of missionaries rise up to meet the challenges of the future
By Fr Patrick McInerney
Columbans are missionary priests, sent ad gentes (“to the nations”). Traditionally, our members have come from Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Now our new members are being called by God from Chile, Fiji, Korea, Peru, Tonga and the Philippines.
Although youth from other countries are responding to the missionary call, God continues to call young Australian Catholics too, so that the Church’s mission may be truly universal and inclusive of all peoples.
Accordingly, Columbans invite young Australian men to join their peers from other countries for a lifetime of missionary adventure.
Columbans are a multi-cultural society. Members of ten different nationalities work together with other priests, sisters and laity on mission in fifteen different countries. Our international membership and diverse experience of mission in different places give us a global perspective on the Church and the world.
Following the Gospel “option for the poor” we freely choose to be in solidarity with the poor and the marginalised, witnessing first-hand the devastating effects on their lives of violence, poverty, injustice and ecological destruction.
This combination of global and Gospel perspectives transforms us and gives us the “missionary edge” that characterises our life and work. Columbans are at the frontier of the Church’s involvement in working for peace, justice, reconciliation, and a sustainable use of resources.
We are at the crossroads of dialogue between peoples, cultures and religions.
Columbans respond with Gospel concern to the needs of our sisters and brothers in countries around the world. We rely on your prayers, support and encouragement to call forth a new generation of young Australian missionaries to help carry God’s mission into the future.
Fr. Patrick J. McInerney
Columban Mission Institute
Locked Bag 2002 (167 Albert Road)
Strathfield. NSW. 2135
Phone:(02) 9352 8000 Fax:(02) 9746 8033
E-mail: patrickmcinerney@columban.org.au
Website: www.columban.org.au