Clergy from across the Archdiocese of Perth have once again come together for the annual ClerecWest Multi-Sports Day.
The Multi-Sports Day, which has been held for some 25 years, was this year held on Monday 2 May, and enabled the participating clergy the opportunity to choose between participating in one or two recreational games, including tennis, soccer, golf, badminton or ten-pin bowling.
ClerecWest Committee Coordinator, Ellenbrook Priest Fr Bonaventure Echeta, said the day was a great moment of fraternal growth and development.
“It’s been an encouraging event for all those who attended to focus for a moment on their health and fitness,” Fr Bonaventure said.
“For many priests and clergy, health and fitness is already an increasing part of their daily routine and so together we are happy to do what we can to support each other in this, for our own wellbeing.
“When we are healthy in mind and body it enables us to better serve our parishioners,” he said.
Fr Bonaventure also gave a vote of thanks to the ClerecWest Committee, including Fr Paul Raj, Simeon San, Jeronimo Castillo, Joseph Laundy and Thi Lam for their dedication and commitment in making the day happen.
Tennis was played by a group of 10, Golf by a group of eight, bowling a group of 11 and soccer a group of seven.
The winners of the sports matches included Frs Simeon San (Bateman) and Benedict Lee (Bassendean) for Golf, Fr Francis Tran (Whitford) for Tennis, with Fr Noe Navarrete-Apaez (Redemptoris Mater) awarded a special prize for his hidden talents; and in bowling, Frs John Jegorow, (Ballajura) Francis Tran (Whitford) and Anthony Vu (Mirrabooka) took home the top prizes.
In soccer, the orange team consisting of Frs Phong Nguyen, Francis Huy Nguyen, Simeon San and Thi Lam won top spot.
The tennis players at Crimea Park Tennis Courts on Monday 2 May. Photo: Jamie O’Brien.
Clergy gathered at Morley TenPin Bowling on Monday 2 May for the annual ClerecWest Multi-Sports Day. Photo: Fr Jeronimo Castillo.
More than 50 priests and supporters went on to attend the annual dinner at The Karalee on Preston in Como, sponsored by Archbishop Costelloe and the Archdiocese of Perth.
Awards on the night were presented by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.
Redemptoris Mater Seminary Spiritual Director Fr Noe Navarrete-Apaez, who participated in the tennis, said he was grateful for the opportunity.
“Having a healthy body is part of a healthy spiritual life and I really enjoy getting together with my fellow brother priests to share in some friendly competition and physical activity,” Fr Noe said.
“It’s a winning situation for all,” he said.
Article also published in The Record Magazine Issue 36 Page 26-27.