Eager though we are to give gifts generously and sincerely to those we love, God’s desire and determination to give us the gift of himself in his Son is infinitely greater than ours.
This was the message of Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at the 2022 Christmas Day Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sunday 25 December.
Joining Archbishop Costellloe for the 11am Mass was Cathedral Dean, the Very Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, which was attended by nearly 800 people.
Media outlets including print and video journalists were also present for the occasion, waiting eagerly to interview Archbishop Costelloe on the meaning of Christmas.
“As we gather tonight in the midst of the season of Christmas gift-giving, it is right that we, as Christians, should see in each gift we give and receive, a reflection of God’s gift of himself to us in Jesus,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
“Hopeful though we are that the gifts we give will be received with delight and gratitude and used well, God’s desire that we receive his gift of himself in Christ with delight and gratitude and that this gift might enrich our lives as it is intended to do, is infinitely greater than ours,” he continued.
Archbishop Costelloe continued by explaining that ultimately, God’s gift of himself in Christ is the gift of freedom.
“It is the gift of new sight, which allows us to look at the world with the wide eyes of Christ rather than the narrow field of vision which so often holds us back,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
“It is the gift of freedom from that paralysis of mind and heart which prevents us from walking confidently in the footsteps of our good Shepherd,” he said.
Read the full homily by Clicking Here
Christmas in the Parishes and Agencies
Christmas Island
Lockridge Parish
Lynwood/Langford Parish
Personal Advocacy Service End of Year Mass and function
Personal Advocacy Service welcomed 130 volunteers, guests and friends with intellectual disability to Newman College for its Annual End of Year Mass and function.
Speaking with The Record, a representative from the Archdiocesan agency said the whole PAS community were delighted to have Episcopal Vicar, Education and Faith Formation, Fr Vincent Glynn celebrate the Mass in the college chapel.
“Our Friends and volunteers participated in the Mass in various ways, including altar serving, liturgical movement, laying the altar cloth and lighting the Advent candle,” the representative said.
The Mass was followed by a light lunch in the school auditorium, with the food provided by Mezzaluna Catering.