A religious formation program for three to six year olds recently implemented at Our Lady of Grace Parish in North Beach has proven so successful, organisers are now planning for the next stages of development.
“The change we have seen in the children since we began in May this year has been amazing,” said parishioner and one of the presenting Catechists, Assunta Trichilo.
“It has been beyond our wildest expectations.”
The “Catechesis of The Good Shepherd” is a curriculum designed in 1954 by two Catholic laywomen in Rome, Sofia Cavalletti and Gianna Gobbi, who were inspired by the educational principles of Maria Montessori, also a Catholic.
The program, which trains adults to become catechists to nurture the faith of children in three age groups (3-6, 6-9, 9-12) has since spread to 37 countries, finding its way to Australia in 1995.
Mary Hare, President of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Australia, is based in Brisbane and is delighted, but not surprised, at the growth the organisation is currently experiencing.
“I like to describe it as a slow-food movement in a fast-food culture,” she shared.
“The principles we use allow children to gradually explore their faith at a pace that enables them to really connect. It teaches them to slow down and develop a contemplative approach.”
Describing it as a parish building experience, Ms Hare said that, as well as children becoming readily absorbed by the hands-on approach, parishioners can also contribute by utilising skills such as woodwork or sewing to create the material items needed and the spirituality of catechists is often awakened as they participate in the training.
Ms Trichilo, whose own child is one of the inaugural North Beach members, said that children have been disappointed over the school holidays because they could not attend the program. “The visual and tactile approach is exciting for them and they really look forward to participating and learning about the richness the Church has to offer,” she said.
The program allows participants to connect with their faith scripturally, liturgically, theologically and materially at a level they can understand and prepares them for the next stages of learning. “It is, and will continue to be, a wonderful opportunity for the young children of our parish,” Ms Trichilo proclaimed, “and, ultimately, they are the future of our Church.”
A Ladies Expo Night is being held at Our Lady of Grace School on Friday, 7 August to fundraise for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program.
For further information, contact Assunta Trichilo on 0417 951 579 or email assuntat@iinet.net.au.