By Ali Biddiscombe

Every child in every community deserves a fair go – where we start matters is the national theme for Child Protection Week (CPW) culminating in Safeguarding Sunday Masses across the Archdiocese on Sunday, September 10.
The Safeguarding Office of the Archdiocese of Perth said all parishes are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children now and in the future.
Parishes will hold special Safeguarding Sunday Masses encouraging reflection on the theme that shines a light on children growing up safely and being supported in their family, church and community.
Safeguarding Office Acting Director Barbara Blayney said as an Archdiocese and as individuals, we are faith-bound to offer children and their families any support and assistance they need to live in a safe and secure environment.
She said CPW was an important opportunity to raise awareness and engage, educate, and empower Australians to understand the complexity of child abuse and neglect, so we can all continue to work together to prevent it.
“Safeguarding Sunday Masses are also a time to reaffirm our commitment to building a church of trust, safety, inclusion, and respect for all,” she said.
“Where we start matters in our lives, our faith and our decision making.
“Where we start our lives matters in terms of where we live, the resources available to us, and the opportunities presented to us make a significant difference to our life outcomes.
“Where we start as a faith-filled community matters in offering children and their families support and assistance to make a significant difference to life outcomes. You belong and are welcome here.
“Where we start as decision-makers…. matters. You are allowed to have control over your own decisions especially when it is about your personal safety. God gave all the children the right to feel safe all the time.”
Kite Making
In the lead up to CPW, parishes and agencies are also encouraged to hold workshops making kites which symbolise freedom on many levels and a prayer we offer to all children.
The kite making is a fun task bringing people together to raise awareness of safeguarding adults and children as a collective responsibility and particularly during National Child Protection Week, to raise awareness of the importance of child protection.
Suggestions include decorating the kites with ways Jesus helps us to stay connected to him. When we have a strong connection to God, God helps us to have the strength to start our journey and keep us safe. The finished kites can be displayed in the lead up to and during the special Masses.
The finished kites can be displayed in the lead up to and during the special Masses.
Ms Blayney said ideas for an opening address and a Children’s Liturgy of the Word, including a Children’s Safeguarding Activity Booklet for Safeguarding Sunday masses were available in an information sheet from the Safeguarding Office at the link provided.
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