With the blessing of Bishop Mykola Bychok, Eparch of Melbourne, a charity concert in support of Ukraine took place in Perth on Sunday 1 October 1.
The event was organised at the initiative of Father Ihor Holovko, Synkellos for the Clergy and administrator of the Church of St John the Baptist.
This gathering made possible through the zeal and unity of the parishioners of this church, became a symbol of solidarity and support for the Ukrainian people during challenging times.
Father Ihor explained his initiative: “My calling does not allow me to take up arms, but I wanted to help Ukraine and its people. That’s how the idea of using my musical talents for this noble cause arose. So, I performed at the concert.”
The concert took place in the Bayswater Tennis Club, where parishioners and residents of the city gathered to express their support for Ukraine.
The musical event was held under the motto “A Wise Deed,” and all the collected funds — $1600 Australian dollars — were directed towards supporting the Patriarchal Foundation “Mudra sprava” (Wise Deed).
On stage, well-known local performers and talented amateurs who enthusiastically joined this noble endeavour participated.
The musical repertoire included various genres ranging from classical music to contemporary hits.
Diana Tepla served as the host of the concert, and the participants included Myroslav Gutei, Maxym and Ilya Chetvertaky, Anna Kanya, and Father Ihor Holovko, the “Echo of Ukraine” Choir conducted by Volodymyr Lyashchenko, Mykola Klymenko and Iryna Yermakova, Margaryta Chizhma.
The event became an extraordinary occasion for the parish of St. John the Baptist, where people could not only enjoy wonderful music but also contribute to the support of the Ukrainian people during times of war.
All the funds collected will help provide humanitarian aid and support for Ukraine during these challenging times.
Father Ihor Holovko’s initiative and the organization of the parishioners of the Church of St John the Baptist demonstrated how a significant cause can unite people and how it is possible to assist those who need it most collectively.