Perth Archdiocesan Centre for Life, Marriage and Family (CLMF) has this week launched 2021 Lent Reflection Journal to help Perth Catholics across the Archdiocese of Perth prepare their Lenten journey this coming Lent season.
CLMF Director Derek Boylan, Life Services Manager Bronia Karniewicz and Project Officer Sarah Paverd-Joyce first published a Lenten Journal last year to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the now St (Pope) John Paul II’s encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel Of Life).
Following the earlier successful Advent and Lent Journals produced by the CLMF, the journal features daily Mass readings, accompanied by questions to encourage readers to think about how they can prepare for Easter in their personal life, family, and community.
The journal also includes weekly Sunday reflections from Australian spiritual leaders, including Chair of the Australian Catholic Life, Marriage and Family Council, Anna Krohn, Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral Perth Fr Sean Fernandez and a foreword by Perth Archbishop and Chair of the Plenary Council Timothy Costelloe SDB.
“It is my hope that this journal will help you grow closer to God; to be challenged by God, and for you to allow God to call you into being an ever more faithful witness of the Gospel in your home and community life,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
Included in the Journals are supplementary sections, aimed at deepening our understanding and experience of different forms of prayer, including Lectio Divina and the Stations of the Cross.
Speaking to The Record ahead of the release of the Journal, Mr Boylen said Lent calls us to unite our suffering with the suffering of Christ, and discover the kind of faith communities, homes, and families that God is calling us to become.
“Taking time for deep reflection can help us gain new perspectives, learn to recognise and appreciate God’s presence in our lives, and create an ongoing dialogue with Jesus,” Mr Boylen said.
CLMF hopes this resource leads people into a deeper reflection of their dignity and the incomparable worth of every human person as they journey with Christ to the Cross and Salvation.
CLMF 2021 Lenten Journals are available for purchase online for $15 (inclusive of GST) plus postage here: https://CLMFjournal.ecwid.com/.
To know more information and bulk orders, email: lifeservices.clmf@perthcatholic.org.au or call (08) 9241 5000.