Centacare’s Kadadjiny Bidi students publish book on life as an indigenous teen

08 May 2019

By The Record

Centacare’s Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Kadadjiny Bidi students have been working together this term to publishing a book that tells “a little bit about me”. Photo: Supplied.
Centacare’s Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Kadadjiny Bidi students have been working together this term to publishing a book that tells “a little bit about me”. Photo: Supplied.

Centacare’s Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Kadadjiny Bidi students have been working together to publish a book that tells “a little bit about me”.

The program has been running for more than 10 weeks at Kwinana’s Youth Zone space works to teach language and literacy skills through project based, culturally embedded learning.

In their books, the girls spoke openly and honestly, tackling topics that young Indigenous women hold closest to them – family, friendship, fear and their hopes for the future.

While the course prepares the students for their future endeavours, Bidi student Nicole Nannup spoke about on the anxieties young people can face surrounding achievement and underachievement.

“The one fear that I consider to be my biggest, is not achieving whatever I want to accomplish in life,” Nicole said.

“I want to accomplish getting several certificates and get a diploma of Business at University.

For her, Nicole continued, the fear of failure, and not living up to expectations is what she considers her biggest fear in life.

“It is something that has come to frame my thought process, my actions and my drive over time,” Nicole explained.

“I am thankful for it in many ways and believe that I may not have done all that I have over the last several years without this sense of fear.

“But now that I know, maybe it is time to develop a method of controlling it, and reining it in.

“Too much of something is never a good thing, right?”

With various pressures, internally and externally, having a huge effect on our youth today as they work towards completing their education and finding employment, some 23 per cent of teenage students in Australia said that they felt anxiety about their future.

Because of this, Bidi students are working to reduce these anxieties through learning lifelong skills that they can use in future work, study or their community.

The project based learning program embeds indigenous culture into its activities to ensure learning is relatable and familiar for students.

The program, which includes traditional art, cooking and collaboration with elders’ works to increase empowerment and self-identity in the girls.

With completion, the program aims to reduce barriers for young indigenous students in their transition to further study or employment.

Within their first term, nine students have achieved 15 units of competence in the program, and some are now working towards nationally recognised training certificates.

The program is run at the Kwinana Youth Zone Space and is open to Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander girls 14 and over.

The program runs three times per week and is flexible to accommodate for students at all levels. Kadadjiny Bidi (learning path) is free for anyone referred via the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program.

For more information on the program go to https://www.centacarewa.com.au/skills-for-education-and-employment/kadadjiny-bidi