Natural Family Planning Week was celebrated at the Newman Siena Centre on Saturday August 11 with an Afternoon Reflection and Thanksgiving Mass hosted by Billings LIFE WA.
Bishop Donald Sproxton celebrated Mass and the participants gave thanks for God’s gift of Love and Life that Natural Family Planning has provided to them as couples and families.
Facilitated by members of SmartLoving formally known as Celebrate Love, the reflection entitled ‘Responsible Honesty’ redefined honesty in marriage.
The talk stressed on the importance of total honesty being the foundation for a trusting marriage; there is no room for ‘white lies.’
The participants learnt that being honest with oneself and spouse has its challenges that require ongoing development and awareness.
‘Responsible Honesty’ acknowledged all aspects of marriage and is of the opinion that honesty is a way of life that a couple builds together over a sustained period of time in which they learn, care and trust each other.
The afternoon concluded with light refreshments and a chat over a glass of wine.