Catholic schools take their inspiration from Jesus, said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB in blessing the new Emmaus Catholic Primary School in Dayton.
Speaking Friday 17 February at the new school, 20kms north-east of Perth city, Archbishop Costelloe was joined for the occasion by Episcopal Vicar, Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Ellenbrook Parish Priest Fr Bonaventure Echeta, Catholic Education Commission WA Chair, Ms Eva Skira AM, CEWA Acting Executive Director, Wayne Bull, Emmaus CPS Deputy Principal, Loretta Hackner and Principal, Sandro Coniglio, WA Education Minister the Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA, WA Minister for Transport, Planning and Ports, the Hon Rita Saffioti, City of Swan Lord Mayor David Lucas and several other dignitaries.
“And seek to build a culture, an environment, which brings alive in real and concrete ways the attitudes of mind and heart which were the foundation of Jesus’ own way of being, of speaking and of acting,” Archbishop Costelloe continued.
Perth’s newest Catholic school has opened on the former site of the Riverlands Montessori School and will continue to honour Montessori education principles into the future.
The ‘respect for the child principle, a cornerstone of the Montessori approach, aligns with the Emmaus Catholic Primary School ‘child-focused’ vision for learning, where the natural development of the child is supported in a well-prepared environment, so they can develop the skills and abilities for effective learning autonomy and positive self-esteem and self-worth.
Principal Sandro Coniglio, on behalf of all 20 staff members said he is thrilled to be welcoming the foundation cohort of students to Emmaus.
“We have been working hard, with support from the local community and, Catholic Education WA to ensure the school is ready for the start of this exciting chapter,” Mr Coniglio said.
CEWA Acting Executive Director Wayne Bull said opening a new school takes immense commitment and selfless dedication from so many people.
“On behalf of Catholic Education WA I thank the foundation principal, Sandro Coniglio, foundation staff, school advisory council, the local community and other volunteers for their support in the lead up to the opening of Emmaus Catholic Primary School,” Mr Bull said.
“I wish the foundation students and staff of Emmaus all the very best for the year ahead.
“They will all have a special place in the school’s history and no matter where the road leads from here they will always be a part of the Catholic education family,” he said.
Reflecting on the name of Emmaus, Archbishop Costelloe spoke about the Gospel reading chosen for the blessing and opening celebration, which tells of two of the disciples of Jesus who, so deeply disappointed by and traumatised by the terrible suffering and death of Jesus, were basically running away from the place where these terrible things happened.
“Transforming discouragement into hope, sadness into joy, failure into success and fear into courage: these are exactly the aims that this school, through its principal and its dedicated staff, hopes to achieve for every student in this school and for every family which chooses to send its children to this school,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
For Christians, Archbishop Costelloe explained, this means that we really can afford to put our trust in God, make room for God in our lives, and allow God to help us to become the people he created us to be.
“People who are alive with the joy of living, eager to embrace the gifts with which God fills our lives and ready and willing to do our best to ensure that other people’s lives are better because we are part of them,” he said.