Catholic Guy launched on Channel 9

05 Mar 2008

By The Record

Archbishop endorses Catholic Guy TV

Archbishop Barry Hickey was among more than 550 people at the ballroom at Burswood last Wednesday night for the launch of “the Catholic Guy” television program which made its debut on Channel 9 at 6.30am on Sunday.

Bruce Downes launches Catholic Guy at Burswood.

Produced in Perth by Bruce Downes and the City Impact Catholic
Ministry, the program has been televised around the world on pay tv,
but the Channel 9 venture is its first break through on free to air
Archbishop Hickey said he endorsed the program because it was a great initiative in telling the good news to the world.
“We spend a lot of time talking to one another, writing making videos
and DVDs for one another. We need to spend more time talking to those
beyond the Church’s doors.
“It is wrong to keep the Good News to ourselves.
“the Catholic Guy is telling the good news about the dignity of every
human being, telling people that God loves them, telling families they
are doing a great job, telling children they are loved, and telling
people with disabilities that in God’s eyes they are perfect,” the
Archbishop said.
“All of this leads people to the knowledge of the good news which is deep within them in their personal relationship with God.
“All of us have a responsibility to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
“The electronic media have given us means of communication we haven’t really touched yet.
“Pay tv is important, but it is in a sense hidden from most viewers whereas free to air tv is available to everyone.
“I know that my own 1-minute words on Channel 9 have had a surprising
impact in the community, and now Bruce has 30 minutes to spread his
words. It is a great initiative and I wish him and his team well.”
The Archbishop also conveyed his endorsement of the program to every
child and family in Catholic schools in a letter distributed by the
Catholic Education Office.
Bruce Downes said that the thing that had been motivating him and his
family since 1996 was the realisation that people matter to God.
“Regardless of whether they go to Church, and regardless of the circumstances of their life, God loves them,” he said.
“We have to find a way to get this message through to disconnected people.
“We are not here to change the teachings of the Church – we can’t do
that – but people are loved by God and therefore we have an obligation
to try to reach them.”
 People seeking further information or wanting to offer financial
support for the Catholic Guy tv program can write to PO Box 1564,
Osborne Park 6916, phone 1300 734 880, e-mail,
or visit the website